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Fueling Startup Growth,
Empowering Tech Talent.

Empowering startups with essential talent support for sustainable growth, while providing tech professionals with opportunities to enhance their skills through impactful work on cutting-edge startup projects.

About STEP

The Startup and Talent Enhancement Programme (STEP) is an initiative of IDEA Africa with support from the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub which is designed to provide essential support to post-revenue startups that have achieved market traction and revenue but are facing various growth challenges. The programme also provides visibility and opportunities for tech talent to utilize and enhance their skill experience through its distinctive matching process.

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Who can Participate?

Post-revenue startups with early revenue traction who are seeking talent and mentorship support to enhance their product and grow their business.

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Tech talent including software developers, engineers, digital marketers and other tech skills who want to advance their career or collaborate on startup projects and earn money while doing so.

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Experienced professionals and entrepreneurs who can provide guidance, mentorship, and support to startups and talent participating in the STEP programme.

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Our FAQs provide a wealth of information to help you navigate your application process.


Startup and Talent Enhancement Programme (STEP) is about empowering startups with essential talent and mentorship support for sustainable growth, while providing tech professionals with opportunities to enhance their skills through impactful work on cutting-edge startup projects.

Eligible applicants include:
  • Startups with market traction.
  • Tech professionals seeking to upskill and collaborate on startup projects.
  • Experienced professionals and entrepreneurs who can offer their expertise as mentors.

We are open to startups across various industries and verticals who have launched an MVP and gained revenue traction, with a strong bias in favour of women owned/led startups.

Your application will receive an initial review by an independent panel of industry experts. This may be followed by a pitch session or interview with the Selection Committee. The strength of your application will be evaluated against the program objectives to arrive at a decision. You will be contacted only if your application is successful.

Selected startups will receive:
  • Access to a talent pool within localized regions.
  • Financial support for talent engagement
  • Mentorship from industry experts.
  • Resources for product development and market entry.
  • Workshops and training sessions.

Selected talent will receive:
  • Opportunity to upskill by working on live products
  • Financial reward
  • Mentorship from industry experts
  • Exposure to potential job opportunities
  • Workshops and training sessions.

The duration of this programme typically will be 4 to 6 months from launch date.

Applications can be submitted through our online portal. The application form and instructions are available on our website.

Mentorship will be provided by experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, and senior level talent. This will include various aspects of building and scaling a startup such as Product Development, Marketing, Regulatory Compliance, Intellectual Property Management, Risk Mitigation and Management, etc.

After the programme, you will join our alumni network, where you can continue to access resources, support, and networking opportunities.