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Terms & Conditions

Updated Terms and Conditions:

The STEP Project (the "Project") is designed to support and enhance the growth and development of early-stage startups and tech talent. It may include educational workshops, mentorship opportunities, networking events, and other activities. By applying to and participating in the Program, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (the "Terms"). If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not access or use the Website.


We use cookies on the Website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies allow us to collect information about your use of the Website, such as your browsing history and preferences. We use this information to improve the Website and your user experience.

You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use all of the features of the Website.


  • "Organizers" means the Program administrators and staff.
  • "Participant" means a startup or individual accepted into the Program.
  • "Program" includes all activities, events, and resources provided.
  • “STEP” Startups and Talent Enhancement Program.

Eligibility and Program Terms

Participants in the Program must meet the following eligibility criteria:


  • Business must be registered as a limited liability company in Nigeria (proof of registration required)
  • Must have 2 co-founders minimum with at least 1 in a tech/product role
  • Business falls under tech or tech-enabled sectors including but not limited to fintech, healthtech, edtech
  • Operational for at least 6 months with initial product/Minimum Viable Product (MVP) developed
  • Completion of a reputable startup accelerator/incubator program will be an advantage
  • Have raised a seed round of funding or generated initial revenue/users
  • Provide a 2-page executive summary of business idea, product/market fit, revenue model, competition
  • Pitch deck to introduce the business concept to the STEP panel
  • Submit a complete application, including all required information and materials
  • Be approved for participation by the Program selection committee


  • Must be over 18 years of age
  • Must have formal /tertiary education in computer science, engineering or related field
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language (e.g. Java, Python, PHP etc.)
  • Portfolio of personal or work-related tech projects
  • Resume/CV highlighting tech skills and experience
  • Have experience working with both startups and established tech companies
  • Have clocked approximately 5400+ working hours (3+ years) in their tech career
  • Have been involved in various projects, from e-commerce platforms and content management systems to custom web applications
  • Have experience working in a cross-functional team
  • Be aspiring to advance to a senior-level position and possibly transition into a leadership or tech mentorship role in the future
  • Enjoy contributing to open-source projects, attending tech meetups and networking events, and reading to stay updated on industry trends
  • Submit a complete application, including all required information and materials
  • Be approved for participation by the Program selection committee
  • Show potential in the chosen field and actively seek career development opportunities
  • Must be willing to comply with Program rules and guidelines

Exclusion Criteria

The following entities shall be ineligible to participate:

  • Individuals engaged in full-time employment or student enrollment
  • Businesses operating as agencies or consulting services
  • Entities involved in unethical or illegal activities
  • Parties with undisclosed or significant conflicts of interest

Participants found to be in violation of these criteria shall be disqualified from consideration.

Application and Selection Process

The application and selection process for the Program is at the sole discretion of the STEP Project. We reserve the right to accept or reject any application for any reason or no reason at all. Selection will be based on strengths of experience, skills, portfolio quality, product viability and founders' capacity/passion. Decisions made by the selection committee are final and not subject to appeal.

Participant Obligations

As a participant in the Program, you agree to the following:

For All Participants:

  • Attend skills development workshops/talks
  • Participate in mentoring and feedback sessions
  • Complete assigned tasks and projects on time
  • Provide regular updates on work/progress to program managers
  • Maintain high standards of integrity and conduct
  • Commit fully to program activities for the duration of acceptance
  • Actively engage in and contribute to the Program activities to the best of your ability
  • Assistance with tools/resources required for projects
  • Comply with NDA and IP assignment agreements
  • Refrain from activities affecting program participation
  • Timely communication regarding any delays or issues
  • Participate in program and participant feedback surveys
  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and STEP policies
  • Respect the confidentiality of any information shared during the Program


  • Hit pre-agreed milestones in product development, user acquisition etc
  • Conduct field research, customer interviews and iterations
  • Maintain accounting records and monthly financial reports
  • Engage in investor pitch practice sessions
  • Explore partnership and collaboration opportunities
  • Attend and organize local/national startup events
  • Provide program updates and success stories for PR purposes
  • Commitment to full participation in all aspects of the program
  • Commitment to paying the 40% counterpart fee for talent matched to them
  • Commitment to furnishing the program organizers with relevant company data including but not limited to financial data, revenue performance data, user data, product reviews, and other such relevant data, and to provide proof if the need arises.
  • Complying with all reporting requirements of the program


  • Work on an assigned tech project under the guidance of mentors
  • Contribute to open-source projects or write blog posts
  • Attend career fairs and networking events
  • Conduct info sessions to share learnings with others
  • Commitment to full participation in all aspects of the program
  • Commitment to providing all important documentation including but not limited to identity documents, employment documents, educational documents
  • Complying with all reporting requirements of the program

Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise stated, the STEP Project shall retain ownership of any intellectual property created or developed during the Project. You are not authorized to reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, or otherwise exploit any of the materials on the Website without an express written permission from the STEP Project.

However, participants reserve a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use such intellectual property for the purpose of promoting and improving the Project only.

The STEP Project may use Participant information for marketing and promotional purposes.


Participants must maintain confidentiality of Program information and materials. You are specifically restricted from:

  • Publishing any Website material in any other media
  • Selling, sub-licensing, and/or commercializing any Website material
  • Using the Website in any way that is or may be damaging to the Website
  • Using the Website to violate any applicable laws or regulations

Release Clause

THE PARTICIPANT hereby grants STEP the permission to record, photograph, and/or videotape his/her image, likeness, or voice (collectively referred to as "Recordings") during his/her participation in the STEP project.

The Participant acknowledges and agrees that all Recordings are the sole and exclusive property of STEP and may be used, in whole or in part, in any media whatsoever (including the Internet), for promotional, marketing, archival, or any other lawful purpose.

The Participant waives any right to inspect or approve the finished recording or advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or to be compensated for it. The Participant hereby releases and discharges STEP, its representatives, and any other persons involved in the creation and publication of materials, from any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the use of the recordings.

This consent is continuous and may only be withdrawn by providing written notice to the Company. The Participant understands that once published, his/her recordings may continue to exist indefinitely. The Participant is confirmed to be 18 or older and has the full legal capacity to sign this consent.

Warranty Disclaimer

The Project is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and the STEP project expresses no representations or warranties, of any kind related to the Website or the materials contained on the Website.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the STEP Project, nor any of its officers, directors, employees, or agents, be held liable for any damages whatsoever, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in any way connected with your use of or inability to use the Website, even if the STEP Project has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


The STEP Project reserves the right to terminate a Participant’s involvement in the Program at any time, for any reason, without notice. A Participant may also voluntarily withdraw from the Program at any time by a 30-day prior notification in writing.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Any disputes arising out of or related to these Terms or the Project shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Arbitration and Mediation Act of 2023.


IDEA Africa reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. Any changes will be posted on the Program website, and your continued participation in the Program after such changes will constitute your acceptance of the revised Terms.