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Empowering Startups, Upskilling Talent

Overview of the STEP about page

The Startups and Talent Enhancement Programme (STEP) is a pioneering initiative by IDEA Africa and fully supported by the UK- Nigeria Tech Hub, and is designed to provide essential support to post-MVP startups that have achieved market traction and revenue but are facing challenges related to technical debt, growth hacking, marketing, and other critical interventions required for accelerated growth. With a holistic approach that combines targeted intervention and strategic resourcing, STEP equips startups with the necessary tools and talent to propel them towards rapid and sustainable growth.

STEP seeks to match innovative, revenue-generating startups with a proven market presence to skilled and innovative professionals with a proven track record in areas such as technology, growth hacking, marketing, and strategic planning to unlock their growth potential. These startups will undergo a rigorous selection process, evaluating their growth potential, market fit, and alignment with the programme's objectives. Additionally, the startups must demonstrate not only a promising market position but also a willingness to embrace transformative changes.

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The Goals Of STEP Programme


Accelerate growth of local Startups in 3 target states (Ekiti, Rivers and Enugu)


Talent support for selected startups


Upskilling and Job opportunities for selected Talents


Achieve minimum 40% application from female startups, talents and mentors.


Create a thriving startup/talent ecosystem via Community Networking in the target states.